Poverty is no reason for dying!
Donate now & and save lives.
Current donation status: 49.082,18 €
Please go to the donation form or use the bank data below.
Password: ENDELEA
Account Name Holder: | Africa Amini Alama | |
IBAN: | AT14 1200 0518 4603 1508 | |
Address: | Roentgengasse 3/3, 1170 Vienna | |
Bank Name: | Bank Austria | |
Bank Address: | Schottengasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna |
Friends of Africa Amini Alama Foundation Account#: 6799165646 Routing#: 021000089 CITIBANK, N.A. SWIFT: CITI US 33 |
Bank address: USCC CITISWEEP 100 Citibank Dr. San Antonio, TX 78245 |
Donations are tax deductible in: USA, Austria, Germany & Switzerland.

Please help us give people in Africa the opportunity to recover and heal by providing life-saving operation of 300,- Imagine giving…
- mothers the chance to return home and take care to their children
- fathers the chance to continue to work and support their families
- children the chance of survival.
Every month we can provide 40 urgently needed operation for only 300,- each. Please send us your e-mail address so that we can tell you about the patients who survived because of your donation.
Share this information with others and help even more patients to survive.
Asante sana.
“There is no disease in a fully conscious being.” Healthy people that are enabled to grow into their physical, emotional and spiritual potential.
Strengthening of the inner self-healing powers through modern medicine and traditional methods as well as therapeutic intervention to find the cause of diseases. We provide access to comprehensive medical services of high quality standard, for everyone in Tanzania including people that cannot afford.
Sustainable Results
Patients experience that medical care of acute and chronic diseases as well as the inclusion of emotional and spiritual blockades in their treatment are
necessary and sensible for a long lasting cure. We integrate these new methods into the health system and educate medical personnel.
DOWNLOAD: further information
Chain of mercy
Project details
About Africa Amini Alama
“Africa Amini Alama” (AAA) is a registered association in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the USA where donations are tax deductable- and is a registered NGO in Tanzania. The literal translation is “Africa, I believe in you”.
AAA has been awarded the title “Charitable Organization in Tanzania”. Only one other organisation in the region has received this status within the last 15 years.
The areas of operation cover medical support, education, as well as social projects. Each of these projects is led by an indigenous team on the spot, with the goal of attaining long term self-sustainability.
The region covers the Maasai and Meru land in Arumeru district in Northern Tanzania situated at 1550m on a high plain between Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.
The founder of this association is DDr Christine Wallner, who, with her love of Africa and its’ people, intuitively chose this location and decided- at great risk and with her own funds -to establish this project.
Her daughter - Magister Dr. Cornelia Wallner-Frisee followed her calling by setting up a healing centre which would offer the possibility of combining natural healing methods from Eastern and Western cultures and at the same time integrating traditional African medical plants and herbs into the healing process.
Aereas of operation
- Medical projects
Hospital with public wards and surgery unit, eye clinic, dentist, laboratory, mother-child and delivery ward, public ward, natural healing centre, ultrasound, x-ray.
- Educational projects
3 English spoken elementary schools, Pamoja Secondary School, vocational school, women’s sewing workshop, computer school, library.
- Social Projects
Kindervilla, care of families in distress, support of Maasai women, restaurant supplying meals for the needy
- Water Projects
Each project allows drinking water for more than 3.000 people
- Environmental Projects
Facts and information
- More than 1000 children are being cared for daily: 3 English spoken elementary schools, vocational school, orphanage, pre-school and kindergarten in Madebe
- In the hospital up to 100 patients are treated daily.
- 230 Africans are employed with us and earn their living through AAA – all of them have a contract of employment and insurance
- Transport: 2 larger transport vehicles, 4 small cars, 1 school bus to ensure mobility in the area: patient transport, school transport, transport of food products
- 67 Buildings: all electricity is provided by solar energy
- A Warehouse, where at harvest time, cost efficient staple foods can be stored for the whole year. Amount of food products consumed per year: 35.000 kg maize, 7.500 kg beans, 8.000kg rice, and 4.000 kg sugar.
- These projects can be visited and viewed on-site: www.africaaminilife.com/en
The proceeds go to the benefit of these social projects
„Pamoja tunaweza“
Strong together - New ways from the power of the heart
Africa Amini Alama creates a center of power for people. We built this center for people who are looking for help and holistic experiences on a physical, emotional and mental level. People who visit us here grow in their potential and live with greater devotion, commitment and love.
Hereby you will find the report of Africa Amini Alama’s achievements, dating up to the beginning of 2019. In the last year we were able to continue with the development of important infrastructural measures. The overall quality of our daily ongoing projects have increased day by day.
First of all, we would deeply like to thank all our supporters in Europe and abroad that have helped develop Africa Amini Alama to the proud organization it is today. With your help we now have over 180 employees, helping more than 1000 children in Ngabobo and Ngare Nanuki, treating medical patients from all over Tanzania, as well as supporting numerous families in urgent need!
With your help we were able to create an environment that enables healing and personal growth. A place that nurtures, cures, challenges and stimulates inner and outer growth as well as health. A place of trust and love.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email: office@africaaminialama.com (Michael Mangl).